

We are in our third year of honey production.

We say that we are at Duninald for family, friends, farming & fun.

The honey enterprise fits our “motto”.

The family are all involved in the process.

An apiarist course was undertaken by Chris, our daughter, Kirsten & our friend Hugh, at Tocal college.

Hugh’s family are also involved in the process. Hugh is our main apiarist & he monitors the bees progress with regard to honey production & advises when the harvest needs to take place which is when we all swing into action.

The honey collection is hard work…necessary at night so that the bees are home in their hive & don’t come for their food and an animosity to those that are “robbing” their hives. We do have fun.

The bees travel up to 3 kilometres for their food source… so we very much have Paterson River Valley honey.

We distribute the honey through the Paterson Service Station & Infinity Sourdough Bakery in Sydney. www.infinitysourdough.com.au